01928 563148


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Prayer & Liturgy

Children have been learning how to prepare resources for the different parts of the P&L session.

They are growing in confidence in leading P&L sessions in class and across the school.



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Prayer Leaders enjoyed a day with the Youth Mission Team.
They came back to school and shared the ideas and activities.

This calming prayer was a favourite  - fill a bottle with water, colouring and glitter.
Think of Jesus calming the storm. Shake the bottle and watch the glitter settle
...let Jesus calm any worries and upset inside ourselves.
Prayer Leaders shared this with governors and the whole school
when they led a prayer day at school in June '23.


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Planning how to introduce the Five Finger Prayer.

One of our pupils spent time at home creating some beautiful paper flower.
We gave those out to each class as a reminder of the message of our prayer.
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Pupils are becoming confident in choosing appropriate objects and symbols to help us enter into prayer.

Even the teachers are learning about different ways to pray.

At a staff meeting, they planned for the summer term:

Meditation - using imagination, looking at a picture or listening to the gospel; Traditional prayers during May, the month of Mary; Mantra -Come Holy Spirit; Singing (praying twice); Procession -  refugee prayer stations outside; Bodily Prayer - prayer or hymn with actions; Litany or List of Thanksgiving.



During the year, we celebrate the Church's Feasts and Seasons

We began the year with Advent: Purple Advent bags with a book, candle and Nativity set. Focal points changed to purple.

              Advent Mass.png                         purple.jpg


                  Advent Mass.png                               Advent service hall.png    

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Celebrating the Birth of Jesus and spreading the good news!




Back to School to celebrate the Epiphany

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During Lent, children take home Lenten bags full of aids to prayer:

book, cross, candle, prayer leaflet, school Lenten calendar.

During Holy Week, each class takes responsibility for telling us of Jesus' journey to the cross.

Little Diamonds - Palm Sunday. Emeralds - The Last Supper. Sapphires - Gethsemane. Topaz - The Crucifixion.

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Mrs. Connolly led our Easter Celebrations!


Pentecost is the birthday of the Church and our school Feast Day.

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May is the month of Our Lady  - Mary.

We pray the Rosary and Little Diamonds and Emeralds sing the Angelus.


June is the month of the Sacred Heart and we celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus.

Children often receive First Holy Communion around this time.

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Children receiving the sacrament in St. Edward's Church.

Holly received celebrated hers in Holy Spirit Church.


In July, we thank God for another school year and send Y6 on their way.


Back to school in September

and then we celebrate the month of Mary and the Rosary in October.

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In November, we remember all the saints and those who haved died.


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In November, we prayed for those who have died.





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Ending the Church's year - celebrating the Feast of Christ the King.


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Contact Us

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Cotterill, Halton BrookRuncorn WA7 2NL

Please contact the office

01928 563148

[email protected]