Little Diamonds 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hoggarth
EYFS Teacher
Miss Hull
Welcome to Little Diamonds Class page.
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32
'Together, in the spirit of love and forgiveness, our family learns to grow with hope and joy'
Welcome to Early Years at The Holy Spirit where we believe that all children are unique. We are working hard to ensure that our learning environment is stimulating and inspiring to each individual child. We do this by observing each child’s play, development and learning so that we are able to adapt provision to suit their needs and plan the next steps in their learning journey.
We focus on building positive relationships with every child and their families, as we feel that these positive relationships enable our children to become strong, independent learners by the end of Reception. Our classroom offers many areas for children to develop new skills and for them to be able to build upon existing skills. We encourage independence in each area by providing challenging and exciting opportunities for every child.
We hope you enjoy the Little Diamonds Class Page
Please take a look in our learning journey below to follow our terms activities.
We are continuing to use to keep in contact with parents/carers - to update you on our learning journey and to post important information about whole school or class events/changes. We are also using Dojo as a reward system.
PE this term is on Wednesday and children are expected to arrive in school in their uniforms and bring their PE kit to school, so they can get changed before the lesson.
The PE kit consists of: a white t-shirt with the school logo, royal blue shorts and black pumps/trainers. We recommend that children keep their kits in school for the duration of the half-term and take them home on the last day. Please make sure that all items of your child's uniform and PE kit are labelled clearly.
Children will be given homework on Friday, which is to be returned to school by the following Thursday. Please support your child with it, as it is important for children's learning to be applied and consolidated at home, if they are to reach their full potential.
Children are expected to read at home every day/night for at least 10-15 min. Please be patient with your child, as they learn to decode words and read sentences. Offer warm encouragement and model the correct enunciation of sounds, which could be found here: Children must keep their books in their book bags at all times. Their reading journals will be checked daily and if they have read the book (please write a comment in their journal), we will change it and reward your child with Dojo points. To help develop children's comprehension skills, please discuss with them the plot, the characters’ actions/feelings, the setting or the information in non-fiction books. Also, use your child's log in details to access our extensive online library on:
Active Learn,
Oxford Reading Buddy and
Collins Harper e-books
In Little Diamonds we teach Phonics daily through the Little Wandle Scheme. For more information about Little Wandle please click on the link below which will take you to the Little Wandle Parent site.
Little Wandle Parent Information
It is most important that children pronounce the sounds clearly. To help you support your child with this, the following links are to film clips that demonstrate the correct way to say the letter sounds.
The clips are from Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revisited and cover the first sounds taught in Reception. Notice how the children don’t add an ‘uh’ sound at the end, so they say: ‘t’ not ‘tuh’
Reception - Sounds taught in Autumn 1
Reception - Sounds taught in Autumn 2
Reception - Sounds taught in Spring 1
In order to provide your child with milk and a choice of healthy snack every morning (Yoghurts, cereal, cheese and crackers, bread sticks, fruit etc.), we ask for a contribution of £1 per week, or paid in advance at the beginning of every half-term. You can put the money in an envelope with your child’s name on. In the afternoon, children will also receive a free piece of fruit.
Useful Links: - this may be useful if you would like to practice your maths skills at home or could be used to support homework. If there is an area of maths your child struggles with, I am able to set lessons and activities to help you at home. - Use your personal log in details for Times Tables Rock Stars to access Number Bots and play a range of fun Maths games. Use your personal log in details to log into our online books bands. Explore a wide range of books tailored to our reading level and answer questions and quizzes. – Use your personal login to access Reading and Science. – The BBC Bitesize website is a great resource for all areas of the National Curriculum.
This article (aimed at parents) explains how children learn to read using phonics and it also contains a useful phonics guide to show you how to make each of the sounds.
100 Books for EYFS to read before you are 5 years old
Suggested reading list for Year 1
Autumn Term
The book we will be using in our writing sessions are:
Pathway Keys
Gateway Keys:
- Use some of their print and letter knowledge in their early writing.
- Write some or all of their name
- Write some letters accurately
Mastery Keys:
- Spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s
- Form lower-case letters correctly
The Parish of Maximilian Kolbe - Serving the Catholic Communities of St. Edward and Holy Spirit