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EYFS Journey - Summer 2 - Special People

Welcome to Summer!

This term Little Diamonds are learning about Special People.


Our Class Story this term is

The Whale who wanted more.

We will be reading this throughout the term and using it to support our imaginations and our writing.

You can listen to the story below!

Week 1

Our Liturgical Prayer focus this week is 'Corpus Christi'
We read from the Holy Gospel of  Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 
Our Hymn is 'This is my body'


This week the children decided that they wanted to revisit the story 'Did you see them too?'
from last term instead of choosing a new story sack.


In Literacy this week we discovered that someone had left a very soggy letter for us. The children discussed who could have left so much water when delivering the letter and what we thought it ment! The letter told us that something had been steeling precious items from the sea creatures including Crabs shell! The children discovered lots of the lost things around the room, talked about who they might belong to and investigated the front cover of the book before writing some amazing sentences to describe what they saw.

We have also read the Wild Tribe Hero's book 'Nelsons Dangerous Dive' we noticed the differences in the environment from the beginning of the book to the end. We discussed how we should help protect sea creatures by recycling and binning rubbish.
We talked about how different the coast is to where we live and then they sorted thing that could be found in the town and things that would be found in the coast.

As we were investigating ocean habitats, the children started moving to the music, we decided to put those movements into a piece of giant art. The children used crayons to record their movements and then we noticed how like the sea it looked so decided to cut out and colour in sea creatures to add to the artwork. (We will be extending this work throught he term as we journey through the story).

In Maths the children have learnt about halving and sharing. They listend to the story One Hungry Cat and then practiced sharing and halving by placing the correct number of chocolate drops on the cookies and sharing teddy bears.

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We had a very special guest this week - Matt from Fit 4 Life came back into school, and after an exciting assembly where we learnt about nutrition and how to eat healthy, we had a great session practicing sorting different types of foods. We couldn't believe that in one lesson we could be scientists and athletes whilst learning so much and having so much fun....we especially enjoyed seeing Ms Hull's muscles!


This week we also learnt about Our Church Family. We reflected on how our own families and how within a family there is love, honesty, respect and kindness. We realised that there were many different types of family and not all families are related. We thought about our school family and our church family. Did you know that the Church isn't just the building, and it's not just our Church - The Holy Spirit, it is all the people in our community and around the world who have accepted God into their hearts.

We extended this thought by producing some excellent art work, writing about our families and Gods family, and in our play both outside and in.
Some children decided to make their own church outside but were unsure how they would get to church so made a car to drive themselves! Some children decided to make a church out of lego, designing what they would make first on paper.

What a wonderful 1st week back we have had!

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Week 2

Our Liturgical Prayer focus this week is ''The Sacred Heart"
We read from the Holy Gospel of John 19:31-37

Our Hymn is 'Lord You Have My Heart'

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This week the children had a choice of Blue and Blue....they unaminously chose the Blue sack...when we opened it we were
supprised to find The Journey....which we had read earlier in the year. 

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The children were so excited to recap the story and look in more detail at the images.
They realised that just as in Nelsons Dangerous Dive, the water in the Journey got polluted with rubbish. Later in the week we were continuing our work comparing coast and towns by looking at Runcorn and Blackpool, first the children found both towns on a local map, they noticed that both were near water. When they looked at images of the two towns they noticed that the River Mersey looked dirtier than the sea, and they decided to draw posters to ask people to bin and recycle their rubbish. 

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In literacy this week we continued our journey into our new story 'The Whale who wanted more' they children asked Humphrey the whale questions and thought about how he was feeling. They then made stick puppets to act out the story so far.  In Maths the children investigated odd and even numbers. They discovered that even numbers could be divided evenly into two equal groups, where as odd numbers could not. 

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In the garden they had lots of fun playing and exploring - they discovered that our vegetables and fruit were growing and that some insects had been having a lovel lunch by eating our strawberries.

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Week 3

Our Liturgical Prayer focus this week is ''The Mustard Seed"
We read from the Holy Gospel of Mark 4:30-32

Our Hymn is 'Christ be our light'


This week the children had a choice of Blue and Green....the Blue sack won with 5 votes and we were excited to find an invite to a Birthday Party!
The children have loved listening to Kippers Birthday and acting out the story.


This week the children have enjoyed investigating shapes.
The listened to the story Grandpa's Quilt and then used their understanding of squares and triangles to create their own quilt.
The children used a range of 2d Shapes to create pictures, thinking as they did about the language of shape and their properties.

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After listening to last weeks story The Journey again the children decided they needed to take action.
Armed with tweezers they went out into the local environment to see if any litter had been dropped. The litter they found they recorded on a map and then added to their wall art from earlier this term. They then thought and talked about what they had found and chose to turn their art into a poster to tell 
others to how to save our oceans. 


We have loved this week!



Week 4

Our Liturgical Prayer focus this week is ''Jesus calmed the storm"
We read from the Holy Gospel of Mark 4:35-41

Our Hymn is 'Cornerstone'

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This week the children choose as their story a book from our class library. The book chosen was The Light House Keepers Lunch.  The children then decided to become designers and engineers making their own lighthouses with a range of different materials. 

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The children have been so creative this week, writing their own stories and messages linked to our literacy story 'The Whale who wanted more' and coming up with ideas for how they would cheer up Humphrey who was feeling so sad. In Maths the children have investigated capacity. Practicing filling containers so they are full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty and recorded their findings.

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The children helped Ms Hull learn her phonics in the school house role play - we have some budding teachers in our midst! What a great week we have all had! 

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Week 5

Our Liturgical Prayer focus this week is ''Saints Peter and Paul"
We read from the Holy Gospel of Matthew 16:13-19

Our Hymn is 'Jesus is the Vine'






Contact Us

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Cotterill, Halton BrookRuncorn WA7 2NL

Main Contact | Ms Caroline Dineley

01928 563148

[email protected]