01928 563148


[email protected]

EYFS Journey - Autumn 1 - All about us

This term we have had so much fun learning about our new class and friends.
We have celebrated ourselves, our differences and similarities through art and nature, stories and play.

We have shared stories about our own families, our homes and our favourite places.



As Environmentalists in  Forest School we learnt about our environment and
discovered signs of Autumn that we then used to create self portraits.

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We then thought about our families and created portraits of our families.

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 As Artists we learnt about Picasso and created our own Picasso inspired self portrait sculptures


As Geographers we have explored our local area and as Scientists we have investigated how the environment changes as we move from Summer to Autumn.

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As Historians we thought about the past and present, we talked about our families and how they have changed over time, 
we talked about how we have grown over time and learnt new skills.

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We also found time to be Mathamaticians

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Writers and Readers

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In Little Diamonds we have learnt to share in Prayer and Liturgy in Class and in Church

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And we have fun every day!!

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Contact Us

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Cotterill, Halton BrookRuncorn WA7 2NL

Main Contact | Ms Caroline Dineley

01928 563148

[email protected]