01928 563148


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Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is a government initiative that targets extra money at pupils from deprived backgrounds. Reserch shows that children from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to their non-deprived peers.The premium is provided to enable these pupils to achieve their potential.

We have high aspirations and ambitions for all our children and we believe that no child should be left behind. We are determined that every child should be given the opportunity to realise their full potential, whatever their background.

At The Holy Spirit our high proportion of FSM children has meant that our pupil premium money is a significant proportion of our budget,we have planned our spending carefully to ensure that it has been spent to maximum outcomes for our children both academically, emotionally and socially, by assessing and prioritising  barriers to learning. 

We make sure that all children who receive pupil premium benefit, not just those who are underperforming.

Teaching and learning opportunites meet the needs of all our pupils through Quality First Teaching.

We use research evidence to support us to use the strategies that are mose effective.




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Contact Us

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Cotterill, Halton BrookRuncorn WA7 2NL

Main Contact | Ms Caroline Dineley

01928 563148

[email protected]