01928 563148


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Art and Design


At The Holy Spirit, we value Art and Design as an essential element in each child's broad and balanced curriculum. The art curriculum provides children with vital artistic skills, the understanding of how to develop and extend these skills and opportunity to express individuality. Art is one of the highest forms of self-expression and at The Holy Spirit, we celebrate diversity and promote self-expression. During Art sessions we aim to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. A rich exposure to different elements of art and a variety of artists will provide our children with a positive and enriching experience of art. This will enable our pupils to know more about art and artists, remember more about art and artists and finally do more of their own art inspired by the artists they have learnt about. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.


The skills and knowledge that children will develop during each term are mapped across each class in a two-year cycle and are progressive throughout the school. The emphasis on knowledge ensures that children understand the context of the artwork, as well as the artists that they are learning about and being inspired by. Links are made, where possible, to other curriculum areas, including history. A systematic approach to the development of artistic skills means that children are given opportunities to express their creative imagination, as well as practise and develop mastery in the key processes of art: drawing, painting, printing, collage and sculpture. The Holy Spirit take part yearly in the ‘Halton Primary Arts Project’ and a whole school art based exhibition is on display locally.

Kapow provides staff with high quality planning, suggested resources and training opportunities ensuring teachers have the professional knowledge and tools to deliver exciting and progressive art lessons. At The Holy Spirit we have adapted the Kapow scheme to suit the needs of our children.


Summative and on-going formative assessments take place throughout the year and teachers use this information to inform future sessions; ensuring pupils are moved on and challenged appropriately. Progress and attainment are checked against the National Curriculum. Data and analysed and any gaps or trends are addressed. Further information is gathered by the Art Coordinator including pupil voice, lesson observations and work scrutiny; strengths are highlighted and next steps are created so an improvement in knowledge and skills can be embedded. Final end of year assessments are made using assessment criteria that has been developed in line with the national curriculum and Balance. Thus identifying the level in which the child is working.

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Contact Us

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Cotterill, Halton BrookRuncorn WA7 2NL

Main Contact | Ms Caroline Dineley

01928 563148

[email protected]